From the Company that Brought You The TROLL
-LUSH by Wotofo
Product Description
*Newest Authentic RDA made by Wotofo
*The best advantage of the rda is the New and Unique design of AFC.
*Angle drilled airhole provide the truly cyclone cloud with the best flavor.
*Silver plated copper contact pin, for top level electronic conductivity.
*Tons of COLORS - Tiffany Blue Splatter, Pink Splatter, Black, White, Stainless, Tiffany Blue
- Also REM Entry BACK iN STOCK - Red, Black, & Stainless
Pictured -
*LUSH RDA - $30
*REM Entry - $30
*RAGE Box Mod - $110
*UNORTHODOX Box Mod - $115
*IPV 3 Li - $120
Follow Us On Instagram - vapethisoklahoma
Posted on 10/15/2015 at 09:23 AM